Alto Swim Club is committed to creating an abuse-free, safe, healthy, and positive environment for all of its members through the development and implementation of Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention and Anti-Bullying policies, Safe Sport Best Practices, and Athlete Protection Training. All athletes, families, and coaches are educated on our Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP). Alto Swim Club is committed to the safety of every athlete, coach, official, and parent.
Our team follows all USA Swimming recommended SafeSport policies to ensure that we provide a safe, healthy and positive environment for every athlete.
MAAPP covers five (5) areas:
One-on-One interactions
Travel: Local and Team
Social Media and Electronic Communication
Locker Rooms & Changing Areas
Massages & Rubdowns
Team Policies & Documents
Team Travel
Additional Resources
Training Courses
To deal with a Safe Sport concern, contact USA Swimming at (719) 866-4578
Contact the U.S. Center for Safe Sport to make a report: Call (833) 587-7233 or use the online reporting form or find more information at
Alto Swim Club Safe Sport Coordinator: Gaku Ito,